Before your Appointment

I will be happy to discuss with you before you see me what is required and what it is likely to cost. It is helpful if you are able to send me copies of any documentation prior to our meeting. Attaching it to an email is often the most convenient way of doing this.

Verifying your Identity

It is vital that you are able to verify your identity, and, if appropriate, verify your authority, when we first meet. Please ensure that you bring the necessary proofs and authorities with you. If you are unsure what you need to bring, please check with me in advance.

It has always been an essential part of the role of the notary to satisfy himself that the person appearing before him (to swear an affidavit or execute a document for example) is who he says he is but, in addition to that traditional obligation, notaries must now observe the law and regulations introduced to prevent money laundering by terrorists and other criminals.

Proof of who you are

Please bring a signed passport or a photo-card driving licence

Proof of where you live

Please bring one of the following:

  • A utility bill less than three months old
  • Council tax bill less than three months old
  • A bank statement less than three months old

If you have problems in producing these documents then it may be possible for me to accept other forms of evidence. You will need to discuss this with me. In some cases I may need to take further steps, including making electronic checks. Where this is necessary an additional fee may be payable.

A corporate body, such as a limited company or a local authority, can only act through individuals so it will always be necessary to verify the identity of that individual or those individuals in the way discussed above but in addition it will be necessary for me to verify that the corporate body really exists. In the case of a UK company I will normally be able to do this by making appropriate enquiries at Companies House but in the case of foreign companies this may be more difficult.

Verifying your Authority

Where an individual acts for another individual under a power of attorney or acts as an executor or trustee for example it will be necessary to see written evidence of his authority to do so. It will always be necessary to verify that the persons acting on behalf of a company are authorised to do so.

This may require sight of, for example:

  • The articles of association of the company
  • A power of attorney
  • Board resolutions

Michael has a great capacity for detail and has always delivered a first class and efficient service.

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